Mantra 3

The perfect lefty flipper? We shall see!

First Gerber (!)

A Christmas gift! I touched up the edge with the sharp maker and now it is excellent. Really like the carry options.

That’s a Mora

This is a very nice little fixed blade. Had to try one. 

New Year, New Favorite

It’s outstanding. I never thought anything would replace my Caly3 so quickly.


Happy little mountain maker

Hey it’s been a while. Got some Christmas gifts to cover coming up…

but first:  a bonafide Bob Ross palette knife. I haven’t tried scraping down some majestic mountains yet but hope to in the coming weeks.



Leather stacked washers


A sub-hilt folder !?!

Dragonfly in summer

One of my favorites, perfect for shorts weather.



Happy 4th!


Fire bringer

Alpha Lights (18650)

You can’t have too many EDC lights. High color index means true seeing +2.

